Materiality Assessment


Identifying and prioritising material topics is the foundation for an effective sustainability strategy and reporting program. We draw on peer reviews, gap analysis and stakeholder engagement techniques to highlight the key impacts on your business and their effects on stakeholders.

What is it?

Material topics are those topics that represent an organisation’s most significant impacts on the economy, environment and people. Evaluating these topics is an important first step for your organisation’s sustainability program. We recommend a double materiality approach that considers not only the financial impacts for an organisation, but the effect of those impacts on stakeholders.

We take into account an organisation’s context, the identification of actual and potential impacts, and the significance and prioritisation of the most important impacts for your reporting.

What are the benefits?

A materiality assessment ensures a strategic and considered approach to the reporting process, informed by the stakeholders that matter the most to your business. It enables a more targeted, efficient disclosure process, helping to narrow the focus for data collection.

A materiality assessment is a key requirement of most international reporting frameworks. Given changing business and stakeholder priorities, we recommend a regular materiality assessment or review to ensure that selected material topics are fit for purpose.

Ben Swan

Managing Director

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Sustainability Governance

Global Lithium

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